Early Childhood Development Information and Opportunities
State Early Childhood Development Coordinating Council (SECDCC)
The State Early Childhood Development Coordinating Council (SECDCC) was created to improve collaboration and coordination among entities carrying out federally-funded and District-funded Pre-K and other early childhood programs. Comprised of early childhood stakeholders, they support and advocate for policies and practices to ensure a comprehensive early childhood education and development system for infants, toddlers, and young children in order for all children and families in the District to thrive.
Strong Start DC Early Intervention Program
Strong Start DC Early Intervention Program is a statewide, comprehensive, coordinated, multidisciplinary system that provides early intervention therapeutic and other services for infants and toddlers with disabilities and developmental delays and their families. The Strong Start DC Early Intervention Program serves as the single point of entry for infants and toddlers in Washington DC whose families have concerns about their development.